National Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May each year is recognized as National Teacher Appreciation Week, and now is good a time as any to say "thank you" for all that our teachers here in the Binghamton City School District do to play a critical role in the lives of students.

Teaching is more than just a career -- it is literally shaping the future by equipping students with the knowledge and life lessons they will use to impact our community. Reminding teachers how important and loved they are is something we all should make a regular habit -- not just during National Teacher Appreciation Week.

If you would like to show your/your child's teacher a show of appreciation, here's a few ways:

  • Tell them!: Send them a message over email or tell them in person how much you appreciate them! Just a simple show of gratitude can go a long way!
  • Make a card: Don't just buy one. Create something and take the time to really make something that shows just how much you love them.
  • Get them a gift card: Even a small gift card to Amazon or their favorite coffee shop will help them out a ton!