Roosevelt Elementary

The Binghamton City School District is calling on its school community for support in securing the state funding necessary to renovate and rebuild Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School.

Senator Webb and Assemblywoman Lupardo are working to get Governor Hochul to allow the Binghamton City School District to access two-times their multi-year cost allowance within the State’s Building Aid formula. They have requested this in both the Senate's and the Assembly's One-House Budgets, but the Governor could reject this in the final state budget negotiations.

We are reaching out in hopes of having as many stakeholders as possible contact the Governor’s office directly to urge her to pass this legislation. Please find below instructions, and a prepared letter, that can easily be sent to the governor’s office. We deeply appreciate our stakeholders helping us advocate for the funds to support our only north side elementary school. We also appreciate WIVT and Spectrum News for helping the district spread this important call to action. 

Please go to the Governor’s Contact form:
Fill in your contact information, choose “Education” as the Topic;
Please put Subject include “Support Binghamton City Schools Building Aid in Budget”;
And cut and paste the letter below.

"Dear Governor Hochul:
Senator Lea Webb and Assemblyperson Donna Lupardo have introduced legislation (S.2672A), that was included in both the Senate and Assembly one-house budget plans, to allow the Binghamton City School District to access two-times their multi-year cost allowance within the State’s Building Aid formula. This is a unique and necessary ask, saving the taxpayers significant funds over time. 

Two times the multi-year cost allowance would allow the district to access the maximum cost allowance plus one additional cycle, resulting in having ~”28,000,000 available to do the rebuild and renovation Theodore Roosevelt over the next four years. The total cost of the project is ~53,000,000, leaving the remaining balance supported by district taxpayers. To accomplish the same rebuild and renovation using the existing capital aid formula would take 25 years and ~$75,000,000. 

This elementary school building serves students on the northside of Binghamton in the most economically distressed part of the city, and in an area that has been identified as the third poorest in New York State. A community that has been designated both a child care and food desert, having limited access to public transportation and services desperately needs this vital resource.

Thank you for your consideration."